EPISODE 12 Close Encounters

The Universe is unfathomably large, but the Earth is not. We know its circumference and its mass, and even how long it has been around. So it's easy to imagine that if we were ever visited by people from another world, we'd know about it. Where could they hide? After all, this is our house and we know who's been in it, right? Well, there is actually an overwhelming number of human beings who believe quite the opposite; that extra-terrestrials have lived among us throughout history, and on several occasions have made close contact. In a more often than not divided society, aliens, UFOs, and the stories attached to them stand as a strangely unifying fascination for all of us here on Earth. In this AoE intro to E.T.s, your hosts explore the earliest claims of alien abduction and UFO sightings, and the cultural phenomenon that continues to grow around those stories to this day.